Unleashing the Power of Employer Branding: Your Guide to Attracting and Keeping Top Talent

In a recent article, Lis Anderson  a Forbes Agency Council Member and founder and director of PR consultancy AMBITIOUS, emphasizes the importance of a strong and consistent employer brand.  Anderson lays out ten key areas of focus for employers looking to strengthen their brand.

What is an employer brand and why does it matter? Distinct from a corporate brand, every company possesses its unique employer brand identity. An employer brand encompasses the perception that both current and former employees have about working for the company. It is crucial to develop a strong employer brand alongside a strong corporate brand, as one directly affects the other. By dedicating time and effort, organizations can enhance employer branding to effectively attract and retain exceptional talent.

Anderson asserts that a growing number of her clients have expressed a desire to prioritize their employer brand, which has in turn resulted in positive outcomes - from a more motivated and talented workforce to a positive and respected brand image.

Employer branding encompasses the art of highlighting a company's unique culture, core values, exceptional work environment, and overall reputation to both existing employees and potential job seekers. By establishing a robust employer brand, organizations can effectively boost employee engagement, foster loyalty, and increase overall job satisfaction, resulting in higher rates of employee retention.

According to Anderson, employers seeking to boost their brand should concentrate on ten essential areas:

Clarity Around Mission, Values, and Culture

When the culture, mission, and values of an employer's brand align with those of their employees, it creates a sense of belonging and unity. This connection leads to greater job satisfaction and longer-lasting relationships with the company.

A robust company culture goes beyond a mere list of buzzwords representing values - it encompasses the behavior of every employee, regardless of their rank, especially during challenging times. Conducting employee surveys can provide valuable insights into areas for improvement and help guide efforts to enhance company culture.

To truly engage your employees, it is crucial for employers to breathe life into their company's mission and values. Organizations should take the time to understand what resonates with their employees and actively work to foster these aspects. By implementing a reward or bonus program that aligns with their mission and values, employers can provide an extra incentive for employees to connect with their brand and fully invest in their work.

Emphasis On Work Environment

Employers should promote the advantages of their work environment, including the flexibility of work arrangements, ample opportunities for personal and professional growth, a collaborative and team-oriented atmosphere, and a supportive management team. When employees feel a sense of comfort, appreciation, and value in their work environment, they are more likely to remain committed and loyal.

However, it is important to consistently remind people of the benefits they enjoy in order to prevent new offerings from becoming commonplace. Organizations can do this by sharing company news and stories, comparing what they offer against competitors, and celebrating the success of individuals to make them feel valued and appreciated.

Opportunities For Career Development

Anderson recommends that companies highlight the potential for growth in skills, career progression, and continuous learning to attract employees who are dedicated to their personal and professional development. When employers provide clear career paths for their employees, it becomes easier for them to see the value in investing in their careers within the organization.

Employers are always on the lookout for top talent, but attracting and retaining the best employees goes beyond just transactional relationships. To truly strengthen your employer brand, it's important that your organization gives employees opportunities to take on new challenges, explore different areas of the business, and stay engaged in their work. Doing so will reduce turnover, but also enhance the skills of a company's current workforce.

Recognition For Exceptional Work

Recognizing and rewarding the contributions of employees is a key element of a strong employer brand. Employers must take the time to celebrate employees' achievements and show appreciation for their hard work. This can be done through competitive compensation, meaningful benefits, or even small monetary rewards for exceptional performance. By acknowledging the successes of individuals within the organization, employers can create an environment where employees feel valued and appreciated for their efforts.

Transparent Communication

Maintaining open and honest communication about the goals, changes, and updates with employees can help strengthen an employer's brand. When employees are kept well-informed and involved in the decision-making process, they develop a greater level of trust in the leadership and are more inclined to stay engaged with the organization.

Additionally, it is crucial for employers to clearly communicate the employment experience they are offering throughout every stage of the employee life cycle. This includes interviews with potential candidates, exit interviews, and follow-up communications with former employees. By providing transparency and clarity, companies can create a positive and engaging environment for all individuals involved in the hiring process.

Commitment to Wellbeing

Employers should make it a priority to showcase their dedication to the well-being of their employees, which includes initiatives for mental and physical health, promoting work-life balance, and fostering a supportive culture in the workplace.

Testimonials from Real Employees

Employers can also showcase authentic stories from current employees to offer a glimpse into the experience of working for their organization. By sharing positive testimonials and success stories on platforms like LinkedIn, companies can establish credibility and draw in individuals who share similar values and aspirations. These real-life accounts serve as powerful tools to captivate and inspire potential candidates.


It is crucial for organizations to ensure that their employer branding accurately represents the actual experiences of their employees. This process begins from the moment job candidates are recruited and continues through the onboarding of new employees. When there is alignment between the lived experiences of employees and the promises made by the brand, it greatly increases the likelihood of employee retention within the company.

Referrals from Current Employees

Employers can empower their employees to become brand ambassadors by encouraging them to refer talented individuals who align with the company's values and work environment. To make it convenient for employees to share job opportunities with their network, employers can provide them with concise and attention-grabbing job descriptions along with easily shareable links, making the referral process seamless and efficient.

Commit to Ongoing Growth

Employers should continuously monitor the recruitment process and carefully analyze employee feedback and engagement metrics to pinpoint areas that can be improved. Based on these insights, organizations can make necessary adjustments to ensure that their employer brands stay current, relatable, and enticing to their employees.

By continuously enhancing employer branding, employers cultivate a strong sense of employee advocacy, align with the company's core values, and ensure a steady flow of top talent into the organization.

Remember the Value of Your Brand

A well-developed employer brand can have a substantial impact on employee retention and reduce recruitment expenses. By establishing a strong employer brand that aligns with the personal values of employees, organizations can attract a larger pool of highly qualified candidates, creating a robust workforce for the future.

Are you interested in boosting your employer brand? Harger Howe Advertising can help. For more information about Harger Howe Advertising and the services we provide, please contact our President Mike Walsh at mwalsh@hargerhowe.com.