Twitter is a very useful recruitment tool. As of March 31,2016, Twitter stated that there are 310 million monthly users! Another important note is that 83% of Twitter users are using the network via mobile in an increasingly mobile world. Twitter has become a highly relevant facet in peoples’ work and personal lives, so it’s essential that you stay up-to date on Twitter strategies. Here is a list of 30 Twitter tips that will help you start using Twitter, improve your existing Twitter strategy and most importantly have fun using a very flexible tool.
- Less is more sometimes! Consider using fewer characters so others can comment when they Retweet. [TWEET THIS NOW]
- Use images with your tweets (when attaching images to Tweets, horizontal images are better!)
- Mix up your content by sharing both business-related items and pieces that are just for entertainment. This mix will keep your audience engaged.
- Make sure your profile is optimized! A bio promoting your skills including a useful URL, no excessive hashtags and professional, correctly sized header and profile images will take you far!
- Use your own voice. People don’t follow those who they feel are being disingenuous. [TWEET THIS NOW]
- Respond to followers! Engage with them by sending individual messages, thanking them for following and checking out the content they Tweet too.
- Make lists of people who you notice are regularly engaging with your Tweets so that you can make sure to nurture the relationship.
- Consider offering contests to maximize engagement levels.
- Though following back is a good idea with relevant handles, you don’t need to follow everyone who chooses to follow you. Curate so that you get the best information possible in your feed.
- Don’t be a spambot! If someone didn’t ask for your blog, don’t just send it to them, it’s rude! Keep your Twitter etiquette professional.
- Avoid personal diatribes via Tweets, just send a Direct Message (DM) if you want to make that kind of connection.
- Run tests to see what types of Tweets work best for your audience and then capitalize on the successful trends. [TWEET THIS NOW]
- If you only have one time to complete your social media, use a scheduling app so that all the content doesn’t come at your followers in a digital clump.
- Avoid mass following - hundreds of new follows are seen as spam and may result in Twitter shutting down your account.
- Twitter loves Twitter! Tweeting about Twitter will definitely nab you some additional engagement. [TWEET THIS NOW]
- Follower levels change daily; don’t take it too personally. What you want to aim for is more interactions rather than higher numbers of followers.
- Above all, be nice! If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say it at all. Toxic Tweets and arguments aren’t going to net you new followers.
- Listen to your network and deliver content they care about. [TWEET THIS NOW]
- Follow handles that help you Tweet better! Like this one: @TwitterTips
- Realize that you won’t be able to read every Tweet, after all as David Allen said, “You can do anything, but not everything.”
- Avoid starting a Tweet with a handle if you want everyone to notice it. That sort of Tweet is considered a message for a specific organization or person and as a result, the majority of your network and beyond probably won’t see it.
- You can share the same content multiple times. Not everyone exists in the same part of the world, is awake at the time of your initial Tweet or follows you currently. Putting the same information out (as long as it’s useful!) is a great way to drive more traffic and reach a wider audience.
- If you only Tweet once in a while, make sure to pick the best time. Twitter engagement levels are at their highest during “Monday to Thurdsay, 1pm to 3pm” according to's slideshow.
- You can actually track the number of people who have Tweeted your Tweets with apps like clicktotweet. These insights will help you decide if your Tweets are hitting the mark.
- While most Tweets should be linked to useful blogs, videos and pictures, make sure to create Tweets without links as well so that people know you’re more than just a promotional powerhouse.
- Limit your hashtag usage! We know it’s tempting to hashtag everything, but general rule of thumb is to use two or less per Tweet.
- Avoid capitalizing things that don’t need it. You don’t need to YELL to make your point. [TWEET THIS NOW]
- If possible, when you include links, shorten them with a service like
- Credit those who create great content. Hootsuite sums it up perfectly, “If you see content that adds value, give credit where it is due. You know how great it feels when somebody else gives your content credit? Share the love. Favorite, quote, and retweet Tweets that you find helpful to gain potential followers and build online relationships.”
- Are you a more passive Twitter user who wants to know when you get mentioned or DM’d? Most people forget that you can have SMS messages sent right to your phone. The full guideline for turning them on and off (and even sending via your messaging app) is right here.
Though these tips can be utilized by anyone, recruiters should definitely consider including it in their talent acquisition strategy. The more naturally recruiters and companies interact socially, the better received they will be (including by candidates). Companies have started maintaining accounts for their job openings, overall company branding, and even individual recruiter accounts, so keep these tips in mind when your boss asks you to Tweet more regularly.
New to Twitter? Want a visual guide that includes some of these tips that you can pin up in your office? We’ve created one just for you! Get it now by clicking the button below.