Let’s be honest. We’ve all had days where writing and content creation feels like a chore. And, when this particular issue extends beyond a few hours, it can become a real problem. It feels like a wall is being built inside of your brain barring all inspiration. It seems insurmountable, but it isn’t! Here are tips inspired by a popular 90’s toy from some of the content creators at Harger Howe that will help you cure writer’s block and get ‘er done!
(Bop It) Zone In
One of the ways to counter writer’s block is to hit it head on. That’s how Patrycja plays it!
“I eliminate writers block by minimizing all distractions (social media, electronics, interactions with people!) to the point where I am forced to work on whatever I need to.” ~Patrycja
Or – as Frank says, it might be time to do some more research.
“I get writer's block when I am pressured into writing a piece of content I don’t know much about. It’s a fear of failure and sounding like I don’t know what I'm talking about that causes my writer’s block. If this happens, I use research/education. I familiarize myself with the subject, make a list of bullet points that can become sentences that I can string together into paragraphs and I focus on creating a good opening and closing – the middle falls into place.” ~Frank
Twist It! (Write About Writing or Do Something Else)
Writing about writing itself can unlock a lot of new ideas.
“When I’m having a tough time mustering up the energy or inspiration to write, I go back to basics and write about writing. In the recruitment world, that means that I write about creating exciting job descriptions, I write about crafting better wording in LinkedIn profiles and I write about getting your point across in 140 characters or less. Writing about writing tends to unlock a lot of other ideas that I can use later. Sometimes working with a restrictive topic allows you to find new twists and angles.” ~Gillian
Also, if you’re in the marketing, design or recruitment worlds, you’ll find that there is no shortage of tasks. So if you get bogged down, consider checking something else off your list and return to the problem later. That’s what Ken does!
“If I have a creative block I try to work on something else for a while if possible.” ~Ken
Pull It! (Leave the Area)
Sometimes you end up in a less-than-productive routine you just have to pull yourself away from the immediate area. Erica, Patrcyja, Frank and Ken all utilize this method from time to time.
“As soon as I hit that wall, the ‘I've got nothin' wall I get up from where I've been wracking my brain and leave. Maybe I go in the kitchen and cut up all the veggies for that night's dinner or maybe I go outside of my office building and walk for just a few minutes. I don't think about anything except for the simple activity I'm doing then. Clear your head -- no cell phone, just you. Eventually I'll come at it again and then I feel a little bit fresher and calmer.” ~Erica
“I like to change my environment. If I realize that I haven’t moved forward with anything for a while, I’ll change the room I’m in or even go to a local coffee shop, library etc.” ~Patrycja
“If I step away from the page for a little bit it always looks better when I return.” ~Frank
“In the case of a creative block I take a walk or a break if I'm at work. If I’m at home I’ll go play music or video games. I try do something relaxing where I don’t have to use my brain too much.” ~Ken
Shout It! (Talk to Others)
Now there is no need to actually scream – but talking it out can be highly effective.
“When I get stuck on something, it’s usually a good idea to bounce some of my thoughts off my colleagues. Shaking ideas loose can be as simple as hearing another person’s perspective.” ~Gillian
In Conclusion…
Next time you’re stuck, try the Bop It method:
Bop It !
Twist It!
Pull It!
Shout It!
Only you have the power to get yourself unstuck!