Category Archives: oil-and-gas

Oil and Gas Hiring Trends in the Permian Basin and Surrounding Areas

At Harger Howe Advertising, we are always excited when news comes out about Texas. Why? Because one of our areas of expertise is marketing for the energy sector.


What OPEC’s Crude Oil Production Cut Means for Oil Recruiters

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) has finally agreed to a crude oil production cut. This is GREAT news for oil recruiters. Why? Well, in other previous blogs our agency was happy about stabilization of the oil market, but now there is hope that the market will make a sharp…


4 Stories that Prove that it’s Time for Oil Recruiters to Ramp Up Efforts

The oil and gas industry has been a volatile investment in past years and therefore jobs and recruitment efforts have dropped or at very least, slowed. However, news outlets in 2016 are starting to change their tune. Here’s a roundup of some of the top stories that oil recruiters can present to…


Oil Recruiters - It’s Time to Restart Your Recruitment Marketing

If you were not aware, our Harger Howe - Houston office and our staff specialize in recruitment marketing and branding strategies for the energy sector. Because the oli and gas industry is so prevalent in the Houston area, we monitor stories and infromation about the oil and gas industry very…
