A New You! Rebranding Your Recruitment Persona

2016 is right around the corner and as today’s recruiters know, it is essential that you are socially savvy. With that being said, company-specific social media career pages, Twitter handles and LinkedIn accounts are just the start of an overall rebrand. Rebranding your recruitment persona is important on an individual level because as someone’s first potential contact at a company, you are a reflection of that institution. In the interest of optimizing your personal brand, here are some  tips to keep your profiles looking top-notch! 

Facebook Action Plan

1. Relevant Cover Photo
Choose a relevant cover photo and make sure it is set to 851px X 315px. If you want to use the cover photo to showcase wording or links though, make sure to avoid the area covered by the profile picture. Advertising space is ultimately 176px X 851px X 315px and should avoid the bottom 64px as Like, Follow Share, and name information is showcased there.

2. Professional Profile Picture
Though the profile picture (or now mini video!) is only 160px X 160px, it is a lot of candidate’s only impression of you as a recruiter. Make sure to choose a clear, professional (and ideally smiling/approachable) shot that will give applicants faith in you.

*Pro Tip! Per Facebook, these images load “fastest as an sRGB JPG file that's 851 pixels wide, 315 pixels tall and less than 100 kilobytes.”

3. Notice Patterns
When do you see the most likes and shares come in? Is it first thing in the morning? Every industry is different, so post at different times for a while until you notice a discernable pattern to capitalize on. Don’t over post on Facebook as it could potentially lose potential recruits, but definitely share when you think the information will be noticed. It should also be noted that people want variety; don’t just promote jobs at your company. Sharing something as simple as a motivational quote or re-sharing information about your company’s business goes a long way towards establishing yourself as a recruitment thought leader. 

Twitter Action Plan

1. Relevant Cover Photo
Just like with Facebook, you will want to choose a relevant cover picture. This time though, the dimensions are 1500px X 500px.

2. Professional Profile Picture
Are you noticing a pattern here? You bet you are! Choose a professional, approachable shot for your Twitter profile picture, but make sure it is 400 X 400px. We highly recommend one that was taken by a pro photographer, but if not, make sure you have a great smile, appropriate clothing and even lighting.

3. Share Regularly
Twitter is one of the only platforms where sharing multiple times per day will not irritate an audience. You can tweet relevant industry information 1-5 times per day without losing steam. Just make sure you engage with people who show interest in what you’re posting about, after all they might be your next hire!

4. Optimize Your Profile
Create a 160 character profile, add your name, input your location, and include a website if you have one. You can also add your birthday and choose a custom theme color (but those sorts of things are optional).

*Pro Tip! Per Twitter, “Background images must be in PNG, GIF, or JPG format, smaller than 2MB. If your image's file size is too large, use an image editing program or web app to shrink the image. Animated GIFs are not supported as background images.”

LinkedIn Action Plan

1. Relevant Cover Photo
I’ve said it before for Facebook and Twitter, but this particular image is probably the MOST important cover photo you have as a professional. It is essentially a billboard that all people who are remotely interested in your credentials will see. As LinkedIn is a professional, work-based network it is essentially to use the 646px X 220px space effectively.

2. Professional Profile Picture
I’m a broken record aren’t I? Well, what can I say…keep it fresh and professional and within 400px X 400px.  

3. Ready, Set, ENGAGE!
Keep your profile active. Even if you just share once a week (typically in the mornings as most people check their LinkedIn then) that simple action will keep you in the mix on a social and professional level. Try to share things you think people would find germane to their industry and pepper in a few appropriate humor-based memes every so often. Also, don’t ignore those little pop-ups telling you about someone’s work anniversary or milestone. Letting people know that you care about their professional advancement is always appreciated and you never know when a connection will be looking for a new job. 

*Pro Tip! Per LinkedIn profile pictures should be 10MB maximum, your photo should be square [and] the ideal pixel size for your photo is 400 x 400. If either width or height exceeds 20,000 pixels, your photo will not upload.”


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