Since summer is usually the slowest season of the recruitment year, it can be tempting to just sit back and relax. But why set yourself up for more stress once fall comes around? We’ve put together your summer recruitment checklist of five EASY things you can check off your list that will make the…
DetailsPicture this. It’s 4:58pm on a Thursday or Friday. You have 42 open requisitions and only about three of them are going well. You’re stressed and can’t imagine how you’re going to get all of the necessary work done, however, you’re making it work. Then…your Director of Recruitment walks in and…
DetailsAt this point in time, recruiters are aware that employee referral programs are highly successful. After all, according to ICIMS’ report The Impact of Successful Employee Referral Programs, “the majority of employers find that referred employees outperform other employees on most aspects of overall…