Category Archives: recruiting-trends

5 Things Which Should Be On Every Recruiter’s Summer Checklist

Since summer is usually the slowest season of the recruitment year, it can be tempting to just sit back and relax. But why set yourself up for more stress once fall comes around? We’ve put together your summer recruitment checklist of five EASY things you can check off your list that will make the…


Linkedin Lists "Diversity" as the Top Initiative for 2018

Diversity - it’s the buzzword of the decade. For every company making hiring decisions, there is a recruiter or hiring manager wondering if they’ve hit their diversity targets. For most companies, this is simply a box to be checked on a long to-do list. “Did we note in our job description that…


Summer 2017’s Recruitment News Snapshot

Keeping up with the recruitment trends that come out yearly or every six months can be difficult, but harder still is keeping up with technology that will ultimately influence the recruitment market strategy. That is why today we plan to go over two major technology industry announcements that will…


2017’s Recruitment Trends Roundup

Here at Harger Howe we are still in disbelief that it’s already March. It seems like just moments ago we were talking about holiday and Winter recruitment and now Spring is around the corner! But, the fact is it’s been three months and many things have transpired since 2017 started so we decided to…

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