Category Archives: recruiting

How to Be a Better Recruiter

We should tell you up front that this article isn’t a step-by-step guide on what media mix will make you more effective. It also isn’t a path towards being promoted within the Human Resources world. What it is though is an actionable plan that you can use to be better. Better at what matters.…


Top Ways to Show Recruiters that You are an Engaged Candidate

Let’s be honest, it’s tough out there in today’s job market. Yes, the economy is on the upward turn, but don’t be fooled; life is currently difficult on the side of recruiters and on the side of candidates. So what can candidates do to signal that they are engaged in the recruitment conversation?…


A New Way to Look at Recruiting Talented Candidates

So often recruiters look at candidates as a collection of skills such as the ability to be a Microsoft Office ace or a Creative Suite pro. It’s hard not to in the age of the applicant tracking system, which focuses so much on keywords! However, while these skills are important, they aren’t the full…


How to Avoid Costly Mis-hires

The fact is, if you’re in the recruitment game long enough, you will eventually hire the wrong person. There are many reasons this happens: rushed hiring, incomplete expectations, a company culture mismatch…anything really. In fact, the number of “failures” is pretty high across the board. For a…


Recruitment Techniques to Recruit Recruiters

Recruiters are skilled at recruiting for many different roles and disciplines, but what happens when you have to recruit a recruiter? It doesn’t seem like recruiter would be a top recruitment title, but that perception is actually very wrong. According to a recent Society of Human Resources…


5 Ways to Prepare for the Slow Hiring Months of Summer

It’s spring and recruitment is clicking right along. Candidates are now in full swing with their searches and they are willing to commute to do an in-person interview. However, something will change like clockwork on Wednesday June 21st; summer will arrive. Summer is a wonderful time for everyone.…


What Job Seekers Look for in Careers

As a recruiter, it’s really important to position your open roles in such a way that they will appeal to the right candidate audience. Part of that positioning requires learning what job seekers look for in careers. We did some digging and found that candidates are looking for all of the following…


Improve the Efficacy of Your LinkedIn Recruiting with a Human Touch

As regular contributors to the blogosphere via social media channels such as LinkedIn, our writers receive a lot of comments, invitations and engagement from our shares. This kind of outreach is exactly what we strive for in the advertising arena, however, there are certain types of interactions…


Behind the Eight Ball – 5 Tips for Successful Last Minute Recruiting

Picture this. It’s 4:58pm on a Thursday or Friday. You have 42 open requisitions and only about three of them are going well. You’re stressed and can’t imagine how you’re going to get all of the necessary work done, however, you’re making it work. Then…your Director of Recruitment walks in and…


2017’s Recruitment Trends Roundup

Here at Harger Howe we are still in disbelief that it’s already March. It seems like just moments ago we were talking about holiday and Winter recruitment and now Spring is around the corner! But, the fact is it’s been three months and many things have transpired since 2017 started so we decided to…

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