Fall is almost here, and our team has lots of plans. We hope that this update will help you catch up with your regular Harger Howe agency contacts and will help you meet some news ones!
DetailsGillian Barnes

Recent Posts
Have you ever seen that episode of “The Office” where Oscar explains that Michael needs to spend his surplus “lemonade stand money,” so that it won’t get taken away? Well, in layman’s terms that is why you need to spend the rest of your budget before winter.
DetailsEven though the world has been active on social media channels for many years now, it is still a challenge. The algorithms change regularly. The ideal times to post shift. There are new rules every...single...day. It’s a lot to keep up with. But beyond the “keeping up with the Jones,” the biggest…
DetailsJuly is a dead time historically for recruitment, but it doesn’t seem to be that way for hiring-based news! Big things are coming down the road for some major social engines and we are going to break them down for you, quick and dirty.
DetailsToo many times we receive feedback from companies saying they aren’t seeing enough applications from jobs they posted. Curiously enough though, when we post their roles, the applies come flooding in. The truth is, most people are not aware of some key things that must be in a job ad / posting if…
DetailsChange is innately scary. But when you think about it, that is only because it means something new is coming – and new is wonderful. Harger Howe Advertising has changed completely over the past few years. While our leadership and account management teams have remained constant and dedicated, we…
DetailsRecently, we ran across LinkedIn’s Gender Insights Report which details the ways and reasons why women search for and find new roles differently from their male counterparts. This is particularly important because, as the report notes, “71% of talent professionals report that achieving gender…
DetailsIf you’re active in the Talent Acquisition field, chances are you have already read the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article “Text Recruiting Is the Future” from this past April. The blog cites one company, CDW, that instituted text message recruiting in 2017 and has had brilliant…
DetailsIt is a universal truth that everyone in the world wants to feel accepted, so why should the workplace be any different? You’re right, it shouldn’t. But sometimes, small things make a workplace less inclusive without ever intending to do so. Today, we want to talk about some of the little things…
DetailsIt is definitely spring! How do we know? It is raining A LOT! So far, the flowers outside of our office like that development more than us, but we have faith that sun will come soon! After all, we waited for a new winter to come in Westeros for 2 years! This spring and summer our team has lots of…